I cover B2C roles in a whole range of sectors, including Retail, Leisure, Hospitality, Entertainment and Attractions.
It’s no secret that a lot of the sectors I cover have had a pretty tough time over the last couple of years. Businesses have had to be innovative in order to overcome some substantial hurdles – restaurants have found ways to maximise the delivery opportunity, hotels have had to adapt to much sorter lead times on bookings, retailers have had to focus more on what they’re doing online, and a lot of events and attractions moved initially to virtual experiences, and now to paperless ticketing models. However, all of that work means they’re now in even better shape, and are bouncing back strongly!
I don’t think this is unique to my areas, but employers are crying out for people with strong Digital and Performance Marketing skills. CRM is also a big one, as is Ecommerce.
It really does depend on the sector, the company and the required skillset. It can vary a lot!
A lot of the areas I cover are very much about bringing joy to people, whether that’s a memorable event or experience, finding the perfect outfit, or having an amazing meal or hotel stay. I know from my experience in my previous life as a marketer in live entertainment, and also from speaking to my clients and candidates on a daily basis, that there’s a huge amount of enjoyment and satisfaction to be had from being part of that. You will find a huge proportion of people who are massively passionate about what they do, and are incredibly loyal to their sector.
And of course there are some fantastic perks and benefits to be had!
Email: tess.leigh@stopgap.co.uk
Telephone: 020 8334 1322
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